What a concept!
I imagine for some this is one that you live by without even thinking twice about, ahhh how I envy you!
For others this is a day to day... hmm.... I don't want to call it a struggle, because ultimately it IS a positive, so how about challenge? Yes, a day to day challenge.
Life throws each and every one of us curve balls, some great ones that we hit out of the park, and others ones that we swing at with everything we have and it just hits us smack in the face.
How we handle these curve balls is the greatest, and toughest lesson, in my opinion.
Life recently threw me one of those F*&k#@! curve balls...
Here's my repeating dilemma in these situations, my life's history has formed an odd pattern in me, you see, in the past the curve balls have been thrown, they've knocked me down, and I've let them take over me, make me depressed, reclusive, private, sad, you name it (sit on the couch in the ugliest of sweats drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, eating bad food, feeling like crap, and to top it all off; enjoying every moment of it).
Somewhere in my post teenage years I realized that this reaction was a choice, and not a predetermined reactive behavior (is that grammatically correct? I'm not sure... ). In English, something shit happened, and so I took it and reacted the only way I knew how, and thought I was supposed to; let it take over me and make me miserable. Whereas, one day its as if I woke up and realized "Hey! If I want to, I can distract myself for just long enough to remember why being happy, and positive is way more fun!" and the more I did it, the more I realized that I had a choice in this curve ball game. I couldn't prevent the curve ball from coming, nor from hitting me in the face if it wanted to, but I could prevent it from ruining my day, my month, my year, and most importantly, my life.
Of course easier said then done, and its a process, one that I can get into if you want me to- I have developed MANY a tool, tip, distraction, method, etc to get there over the years and I love to test my theories (mostly to see if I'm as right as I think I am! ;) but the first step is knowing that it is at least POSSIBLE.
To some this is so obvious, and to those of you who are made that way, bravo to you and your wonderfully perfect, never been tainted, wonderfully fantastical unicorn lives (I'm not bitter!?), but for those of you who have been through the ringer a few times, and are constantly waiting for that other (or 80th) shoe to drop, believe me, even if you can't prevent it, you sure can enjoy your own little roller coaster ride along the way.
I mean, if its going to drop, and the ball is going to hit you in the face anyways, shouldn't you be able to enjoy bits of the in between??
Let me know your thoughts!
And for some comdeic value, for when those curveballs come at you and you need to release some endorphins with a good laugh....
love your take on this - and owie! those pics look like they hurt!!!